
專任教師 彭譯葶


學 歷 |
PhD in Feng Chia University PhD Program in Business
研 究 領 域 |
會計學、成本與管理會計 Accounting、Cost and Management Accounting
分 機 號 碼 | #7250
研 究 室 | T2-949
電 子 信 箱 | ytpeng@cyut.edu.tw


● 朝陽技術學院實習就業輔導組組長
● 廣信益群聯合會計師事務所助理查帳員


● 會計學(Financial Accounting)
● 成本與管理會計(Cost & Management Accounting)



《 2017 》

Yi-Ting Peng,Tsangyao Chang (2017, Nov). Does Insurance Activity Promote Output? Further Evidence Based on Bootstrap Panel Granger Causality Test. The Empirical Economics Letters, 16(11), 1191-1201. 本人為第一作者.

Tsangyao Chang, Yi-Ting Peng (2017, Jul). Revisit Asymmetric Causal Link between Insurance Activity and Output in the United States. The Empirical Economics Letters, 16(7),719-726. 本人為通訊作者.

《 2016 》

Yushi Jiang,Yifei Cai,Yi-Ting Peng,Tsangyao Chang (2016, Jun). Testing Hysteresis in Unemployment in G7 Countries using Quantile. Social Indicators Research, 1-19.

《 2012 》


Justine S. Chang & Yi-Ting Peng, 2012, A Study on the Correlation between Environmental Information Disclosure and Corporate Operating Performance, Twelfth Annual Hawaii International Conference on Business, U.S.A. Honolulu.

《 2010 》

Peng, Yi-Ting, 2010, Atheoretical Framework for Analysis of Assessment on Investment Portfolio, TInternational Research Journal of Finance and Economics,Vol.54(5), pp.145-151.(EconLit).

《 2009 》

Peng, Yi-Ting, 2009, Environmental Management Systems:An Exploratory Study in Taiwan, The Journal of Global Business Management Cambridge,Vol.5(1),pp.206-212.

《 2005 》

Chang, Justine ,Peng, Y.T. and Su, W., 2005, A study on the correlation of companies’ years of establishment prior to public listing and abnormal returns of the periods after the companies’ initial public offering and major events, The Business Review, Cambridge,Vol.4(1), pp.246-255.



《 2018 》

王曉梅, 彭譯葶(2018年05月)。企業環保支出資訊與盈餘管理之關聯性。2018現代會計論壇學術研討會,台中, 台灣。

《 2015 》

Yi-Ting Peng,Tsangyao Chang (2015, Sep). Revisiting Asymmetric Causal Link between Happiness and Smoking in Japan. 2015 3rd International Conference on Global Economics and Governance Challenges of Environmental Finance, Social Responsibility & Governance, Taipei,Taiwan. 本人為第一作者.

《 2007 》

Peng, Y.T, 2007, Environmental Management Systems: An Exploratory Study in Taiwan, Business, Environment, International Competitiveness and Sustainable Development of the Asia Pacific Economies,Monash University Malaysia, Malaysia/Kuala Lumpur.

《 2005 》

Chang, Justine,Peng, Y.T,2005 , A study on the correlation of companies' years of establishment prior to public listing and abnormal returns of the periods after the companies' initial public offering and major events, The Global Business and Economics Research Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.

Chang, Justine,Peng, Y.T,Su, W.,Yang, W., 2005, The study of correlation between college students'perceived usefulness of accounting,2005 Hawaii International Conference on Business,U.S.AHonolulu.

《 2003 》

Peng, Y.T., and Lu, M.C., 2003, Linking the Network Economic: A Case Study of How Manufacturing SME's Growth by Linking in the Global Network, European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics Conference, Barcelona Spain.




● 彭譯葶,100年度產學雙師-成本及管理決策會計學課程,教育部,2011/12/06。

● 彭譯葶,Emvioronmental Management Systems: An Exploratory Study in Taiwan,朝陽科技大學研發處小型研究計畫,2007/09/27~2007/12/31。

● 彭譯葶,中小企業與網路經濟的成功聯結之道:台灣中小企業個案分析,行政院國家科學委員會,2002/8/1~2003/7/31。



● 產學雙師-會計系學生職涯之展望與成管會之關係,林秉良,106學年度。
● 產學雙師-認識新經濟的崛起,李肇興(台灣櫻花股份有限公司),105學年度。
● 業界專家協同教學-財務報表分析,陳宏義(嘉眾會計師事務所),105學年度。
● 106稅務申報諮詢及會計服務,嘉眾會計師事務所,2017/09/01~2018/06/30。
● 存貨控管及成本分析諮詢,晟昌機電股份有限公司,2011/06/01~2013/05/31。
● 存貨流程管理及成本分析諮詢,聯源貿易股份有限公司,2009/06/01~2010/05/31。


彭譯葶,2010/6,A study on formative assessment and the effects on employee learning attitude,京峰數位服務有限公司。



葉俊昇、陳坤宏、蘇宸揚、賴建勛、李孟洹 / 朝陽科技大學波錠紀念圖書館滿意調查

蘇莉娟、王曉雯、陳亭潔、賴郁婷、陳俞汝、蔣雅婷 / 便利商店贈品吸引消費者購買意願的影響力

林培元、蔡佳軒、曾昱瑋、王文宏、何青珠、包世全 / 會計人員組織承諾與工作壓力(以私立大學為例)

王文君、劉家瑜、陳健豪、陳盈伸、溫巧雲、林奇緯 / 會計人員人格特質與工作壓力

蔡漢強、倪毅豪、楊嘉維、劉仲航、劉家成 / 會計準則之資產減損的探討

顏如玉、簡曉萍、林秀婷、劉蕙菊、朱佑德、李詩敏 / 我國會計人員三大證照之探討


